
Friday, September 30, 2011
a FUNNY TEACHING STORY day in the life of me...
We get through the review, the test and the correcting of the test with minor incidents. I then have a student come up to me and the following conversation was had:
Student: Miss Boshard, the test is worth 100 points right?
ME: Yes. I made that very clear.
Student: I got 97 on it so is that how many points I will receive for the test?
ME: Yes.
Student: So pretty much what you're telling me is there is no possible way I can fail this test, right?
ME: Yes. In fact you not only aren't going to fail this test. You earned an A on this test.
Student: (SHOCKED) I earned an A?
ME: Yes. Yes you did.
Friday, September 2, 2011
a FUNNY STORY day in the life of me...
I've had a few funny stories already come out of these darling students and just want to share a few of them. I realize writing something is never as funny as witnessing the actual event, so just use your imagination to fill in the gaps.
1) I was talking to my students about BYU basketball and how I just love Jimmer (I mean, who doesn't right!). They told me that he's always at Costa Vida, which just happens to be across the street. I went on to tell them that I'd love to meet Jimmer and that if they could guarantee him being at Costa we'd take a class field trip. They liked that idea, so we kept talking about him. The fact that he's engaged came up. One of my students asked me why I'd want to see him if he was engaged. I said, "Well ya know. I'd like to get his autograph or a hand shake or ... well you know I'd probably just hug him even though he is engaged."
***for those of you that don't know Jimmer is engaged to a BYU cheerleader
One of my very loyal students looked and me and said, "well I just hate cheerleaders." bahahahahahah - she just wanted me to be able to talk and interact with him - cute huh?!
2) Today I had asked multiple students to please stay on task. Most of them were having an INCREDIBLY difficult time with that. I had stated an expectation and then two seconds later a student asked a question that I had just answered. Student "A" pipped up and said "Gosh she just said that Use Your Brain." Well that wasn't nice so I gave him my best teacher stare. Oh he saw it, quieted down a little bit and then said "please" - just the tone he used would have been funny enough, but the fact that he didn't apologize and instead tried to make the yelling at another student seem OK by saying please made me laugh so hard.
3) I taught my students about the "International Date Line" today. One student, in the very back of the classroom popped his hand up as soon as I said those words and said, "Isn't that an online dating site." Oh my gosh!!!
Friday, August 19, 2011
a GOOD POEM day in the life of me ...
enough money within her control to move out
and rent a place of her own,
even if she never wants to or needs to...
something perfect to wear if the employer,
or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...
a youth she's content to leave behind....
a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to
retelling it in her old age....
a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...
one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who lets her cry...
a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family...
eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems,
and a recipe for a meal,
that will make her guests feel honored...
a feeling of control over her destiny.....
how to fall in love without losing herself..
how to quit a job,
break up with a lover,
and confront a friend without;
ruining the friendship....
when to try harder... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...
that she can't change the length of her calves,
the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..
that her childhood may not have been perfect...but it's over...
what she would and wouldn't do for love or more.....
how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it...
whom she can trust,
whom she can't,
and why she shouldn't take it personally...
where to go...
be it to her best friend's kitchen table..
or a charming Inn in the woods...
when her soul needs soothing...
What she can and can't accomplish in a day...
a month...and a year...
Thursday, June 30, 2011
a CATCH UP day in the life of me...
I went to Les Miserables at the beginning of June with my parents and my sister! It was a beautiful production. That music is SO powerful.
I ran in the Dirty Dash with my friend Jill, her friends and relatives and my sister Jenny. It was a 5K in mud, dirt, freezing cold water, hay and slip-n-slides. It was hilarious and definitely an experience worth having! I was going for the cleanest face award, only to have that thwarted at the end by a huge mud lake that we had to wallow through.
My cousin, Cuyler, got married to the love of his life at the beginning of June. We did a family session, before their sealing, in the Manti temple. That was such a great experience. The followed their sealing with a fun, outdoor dinner. I love that valley - it is so beautiful and my cousin couldn't have asked for a more perfect wedding day!!
I attended a technology and a English as a Second Language Conference - go me! hahaha.
I ran my first half marathon EVER! It was on June 11 at 6:00am! I ran it in 2 hours and 15 minutes!!! I can hardly believe it, but it's true. The best part was getting an hour long massage later that afternoon.
I began my summer job (for real). I had been working during spring term for BYU, but summer school began in the middle of June. I am a teacher mentor to two fabulous, soon to be, teachers. They each have 7 students, teach 3 subjects and are very good at what they do. I'm learning so much about me, my teaching style, my mentoring style and reflecting on WHY I went into teaching in the first place. It's at an elementary school and I have the 5th/6th graders in my classroom. During a class swap this week a little guy looked up at me and said "You are such a good teacher." Yes please!
Elder Parker turned 20 this month and Kelsey had her birthday! My friend Jeana had her anniversary and gave birth to their beautiful baby boy. My frieinds David Paxman, Jen Bloomfield Mooney and Katie Bloomfield Lemke as well as my cousin Stephanie Steiner Standing and friend Michelle Snyder Hunt had their anniversaries. Talk about a busy month!!!
I went to the Manti Pageant, attended a Parachute concert in SLC, have begun re-watching all of the Harry Potter's, went camping by Payson Lakes and LOVED it!
My goodness - my month has been full!!!
I hope you all have been having as much fun as I have!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
a MIXED FEELINGS day in the life of me...
It's bizarre how these human beings could drive me out of my mind at times, almost driving me to tears of anguish (forget the almost) and then other times they were making me laugh so hard that tears actually did come out! Now they are going to go away for the next 2 1/2 months of my life. Wow! In fact, some are actually going to graduate and move on with their life. WOW!
One student came in to thank me today for being such a great teacher, this that and the other and I seriously almost lost it. Instead of withering away into a weepy mass, I made some light hearted joke so that we would both have to smile and as he walked out of my classroom I realized I was really going to miss him.
We are definitely on this planet, together, for a reason. We are meant to form friendships, relationships, and help each other out. It's not healthy to stay in a little bubble and guard yourself with walls and defences, just because you think you're going to get hurt - news flash - EVERYONE DOES!!!
I truly have come to love my students and all their quirks and craziness that they bring with them. This has been a roller-coaster of a year, but I am happy to say that I have come through a stronger person and have allowed myself to be changed and schooled by so many wonderful children of God.
Here's to you class of 2011 - I'll miss you.
Friday, May 13, 2011
a GOOD QUOTE day in the life of me...
Impossible isn't a fact. It's an opinion.
Impossible isn't a declaration. It's a dare.
Impossible is temporary.
Impossible is nothing.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
a GRADUATION day in the life of me...
He was pretty funny and gave some good advice. I'm going to quickly re-cap.
He told us a secret - if you want to wake up with a smile on your face each and EVERY morning, go to sleep with a coat hanger in your mouth :-)
He gave us a list of 10 things that will help us lead a happy/better life:
1. establish a set of principles that will guide your whole life
2. don't make exceptions to your standards/principles
3. be loyal
4. live so the Lord can guide you to where He wants you to serve
5. serve others
6. smile
7. don't complain
8. always have a church assignment (always offer your services to your presiding authority)
9. go to the temple
10. use the Savior, Jesus Christ, as your example to life
His whole address was amazing and this was just the last part. If you have time, I suggest you read it.
a SATURDAY IN SEATTLE day in the life of me...
Pike’s Place Market
People. Tulips. Yummy Smells. Tulips. Awesome Lobster Tail. Tulips. Crowds. Tulips. Smells. Tulips. Fish. Tulips. Colors. Noise. Pirozhky. Tulips. Vibrance. Excitement. Tulips. Knick-Knacks. Tulips. More Sea Fish. Cheese shop?! Yes Please. Yum!!! Totem Poll Copying, Raspberry Balsamic Vinegar Buying, People Watching – EXCELLENT MORNING!
What am I looking at? No idea. That's some great vinegar though.
Seattle Underground Tour: Seattle was built on hills (as previously mentioned in older posts) Originally it was a 47% grade and they were able to get it down to an 18% grade after much sluicing and hard work. The city of present day Seattle was literally built up around Old Seattle. For a more comprehensive history see link.
Our tour guide was fantastic. She had punch, pizzazz and I’m quite sure is a big name in Seattle’s theater productions. I was laughing so hard that it almost turned to tears – especially as she so “delicately” explained why there were so many women in Seattle who claimed to be “seamstresses” and yet there were no sewing machines to be found. Oh dear…tisk tisk. Ken had never gone on the tour. That made it even better because neither one of us knew exactly what to expect while walking around down there: gross water falling on our head, stories of ghosts, entertaining stories and a seeing room that had been converted into a set for a movie were just some of the delights. :-)
ingenious sky lights
Not going to lie, after such a full morning and early after noon we were just a bit tuckered. After returning to Ken’s place we decided that he was super tired :-). A 45 minute nap and he was ready to rock-n-roll. At first we were thinking a bike ride, but alas I am too short for his bikes. Well never fear, there is still plenty to do in this city …. Let’s think …. Grocery shopping!! Off we went to Trader Joe’s. It’s a cute little market. Ken bought some YUMMY treats and then we headed off to the VW dealership across the street.
VW GTI ? – yes please.
Hatch back? Check. Manual? Check. Sun roof? Check. White/Black/Grey? Check. Second hand smoke? Check …. Um …. Do we want that one checked? OK – will look into further. Good bye dealership.
Went to get pizza. Definitely not enough time before the movie. OK. We’ll just have to get some when Ken comes to Utah (after all, the Pie is the BEST place for pizza). Chipotle did the trick. Race to the movie theater (thank you Boeing), find a wicked parking spot (thank you Shelley), race up the stairs – close race, but Ken won (thank you heels – hahaha just kidding – he’s just faster than I am regardless of how much I tried to cheat by blocking him.) Met up with Stephanie and Christian to see “The Conspirator.” Interesting – sparked good conversation.
Finished the night at Ken’s house eating delectable cookies and milk. What a great Saturday night!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
a FRIDAY IN SEATTLE day in the life of me...
Walk down one street and encounter a San Francisco hill – yep I’m on the right street. OK, quick walk to the lake and then a good hour run. Here I go.
Why is my phone going off so much?! Oh wait. It’s my birthday!!! 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 “happy birthday” text messages – loving this run. How many times have I been around this lake? No idea. Buzz, buzz, buzz – dad’s calling! He’s mildly alarmed that I’m answering my phone completely out of breath. Quickly reassure that I’m fine and just out for a beautiful morning run before heading into the city. He tells me HAPPY BIRTHDAY and how much he loves me. Off to my run again. Wait. I see 65th street. Cross street, run up hill – literally up. This isn’t right. It can’t be. Call Ken – sets me right. Off around the lake I go again. Correct street. Run up – wait … can’t r.u.n. u.p. ---- ugh. Stupid hill.
Shower. Breakfast. Purse check. Key check. Gone. Bus driver so helpful. 3rd and Pike – wow that was fast. OK. Here I go. 30 minutes spent just walking around. Familiarizing myself with the city that is going to be my friend for the next few hours. OK. Let’s go see something. To the Seattle Art Museum. Out comes my phone and the handy navigation system. Sight to see: me, head pouring over phone, checking street signs, looking up, checking street signs, pouring over phone. Found it. Delighted by it.
To the water front. Walk. Up hill. Walk. Down hill. Walk. Up hill. Walk. Down hill. Walk. Up hill. Walk. Down hill. Seattle is built on hills – only.
RAIN!! Popped into Borders. Dang it. :-) 30 minute conversation with Emily.
Walk. Up hill. Walk. Down hill. Walk. Up hill. Walk. Down hill. Walk. Up hill. Walk. Down hill. First hill – um, maybe shouldn’t be here. Turn around.
2pm – feet exhausted. Look here – Barnes and Nobles. Stopped to rest. 2:45pm Ken honking on 7th and Pike. Jump in car and we’re off.
Walk. Up hill. Walk. Down hill. Walk. Up hill. Walk. Down hill.
Old Curiosity Shop – seriously weird. Mummified Merman. Skeletons, whale bones, octopus, spiders, knick knacks, slap wrist watches – hello childhood, sharks, swords
Walk up hill
Seattle Public Library - wow! Enter. Head to escalator. Up and up and up. Floors 7 through 10 are literally a spiral. You just keep walking and you get higher and higher. Awesome architecture. Floor 10 – look over gated ledge and experience vertigo. Ken not loving it. Quick picture and head down in elevator. Floor 4 – red floor. So worth seeing.
Confession to Ken – feet DEAD three hours ago.
Off we head to meet with up Stephanie and Christian for my birthday dinner. Crepes are the menu – what?! The restaurant is closed until 8pm for a private event. Well never mind. Drop off Christian’s BMW 2002 at the mechanics and head for Indian – yum!
Fun stories: craziest place traveled, craziest thing eaten, missions, Europe, South America. Loving it. Laughing hard. Quick pics and then head back to Ken’s place.
Movie time, story time, article on French catacombs, foot rub, more stories, laugher, more stories, back popping 25 times, more stories. 1am – must go back to Stephanie’s.
Saturday is going to be another busy day!! Bring it.
a THURSDAY IN SEATTLE day in the life of me...
1 hour ride to Salt Lake City
1 hour to get through check-in and security at the airport
2 hours and 4 minutes flight to Seattle, WA
1 awesome weekend!!
7pm my flight lands in a city I’ve never been to before, but one I know that I will become very familiar with over the next three days. I make my way down the winding corridors to baggage claim. Buzz. My phone goes off. It’s my friend Ken telling me that he’s there and to call him when I’ve got my bag. Standing at the carousel, standing, standing. “Attention passengers from Salt Lake City. They moved your luggage to carousel 11.” Oops – another short walk later and … there is my bag! Oh wait. It’s heavy. OK. I’ll just ask nice man next to me to pick it up. Smooth sailing from here. Out side I go, calling Ken as I walk. I explain where I am, he’s coming to get me. Oh wait. It’s FREEZING out here. What the heck?! Am I not on spring break? Oh wait; it’s Seattle.
Here comes a car that I know. OK. Maybe it’s not him, no I really think it is, maybe? Oh it is! OK. Stay calm. No need to get all excited until he’s out of his car. After all there are many people around you and what good would that do to freak out right now?! None. He’s out of the car, walking towards and yep … there’s the hug! I’m here.
He opens the car. I get in. He loads my bag and then, with an unsure voice says, “Shell. The name on your luggage isn’t yours.” Oh right. Yeah it’s my roommates bag. (so never fear. I would not have left the airport with the wrong bag!)
Off we go to Seattle. He decides to take the scenic route – through industrial Seattle so that I get a chance to see the city. How thoughtful! I LOVE it. I love everything about it. The buildings, the industry, the ocean, the docks, the sunset, the conversation, the music, the spaz moment (that was done by me) … all of it.
Ken fills me in on Seattle information, work, where I’ll be staying, where we’re going to dinner, parts of Seattle to AVOID, etc. As we wind through hills, streets, corners, etc I find myself incredibly grateful that I’m not driving. I learn that I’m going to be staying with Stephanie for the next three days. The more I hear about her the more excited I am to meet her. In fact, she was so darling and gave Ken a key so in case she wasn’t home, we could get in.
However, first things first. FOOD! Red Mill Burgers. They were so fresh and so good; however my BBQ was a little too good. Within seconds after my first bite I had a delicious stream of BBQ sauce streaming down my hand. I told Ken it felt like warm honey; however I quickly realized that molasses was a better descriptor. Can’t you just see that lovely milky brown ooze :-)
Ken doesn’t like pickles – I do. Quickly taking them off of his burger, I put them on mine. Yum!
OK. Full belly. Next = place to sleep? No. Photo shoot – I think he’s pretty good at this!
Now it’s time for a place to sleep.
Driving a little less than a block I find myself staring at a darling, white apartment. The light’s on. Is she home? Ken begins to unlock the door and quickly realizes that she is there.
Step over the threshold into warmth, light and hugs. It is all delight and welcome. Ken takes my luggage upstairs as I get the tour of her bathroom and bedroom. Silkscreen of flowers hangs on the wall above her toilet – it’s charming – handmade. I’m going to like it here.
We join the men upstairs – her boyfriend Christian.
Two hours of laughing, reliving moments from the 80s, 90s and now, planning out my Friday in Seattle, talking cameras, movies, talking sleep … yep. talking sleep. Another quick hug and Ken is gone. I’ll be by myself until 3pm tomorrow so I’d better get some shut-eye if I’m to tackle the city!
a CALIFORNIA day in the life of me...
I just spent 9 wonderful days traveling throughout the western United States. It was my spring break and I lived it up ... as much as I could :-)
Friday, after work, I took off to St. George, UT to visit my grandma and grandpa Boshard. We spent a delightful evening with me telling them stories, them feeding me and us watching "Pillow Talk."
The next day it was an early "up and at ‘em" with grandpa making me a yummy breakfast and sending me on my way across the desert to California where my good friend, Cecile and her family live. They had their first baby a couple of months ago so it was a doubly good reason for me to go visit. I got to see her and then I also got to spend oodles of time with her BEAUTIFUL baby boy.
Isn't he darling?!
Me, Nico, Savannah, Cecile
On Monday, Cecile had to go back to work, so I got to hang out with her baby :-) Actually in the afternoon I went to work with her husband. He works at a local Junior High. I was able to go and see how their special education department runs. Being a teacher is so funny, because when you see something going drastically WRONG you just want to jump in; well at least I did. However, I bit my tongue and just told myself that it's not my place. There are some darling students that junior high and every time I praised them, they lit up. Who knew?! It's a true principle - EVERYONE likes being praised!!! (just do it)
That next morning I was up and at it again quite early to make my way to Las Vegas. My good friend Meghan lives there with her husband and their, almost, 2 year old boy Camden. I am Camden’s “Fairy Godmother.” So, by default he has to love me. He did quite a good job of demonstrating that while I was there. He didn’t mind giving me hugs or sitting on my lap and to make sure that all of the attention was on him all of the time, he demonstrated how much energy he possessed when we went out! However, I must admit that since he’s so cute, he could totally get away with it.
I was there for just a few hours, but it was wonderful. I hadn’t seen them in four months, so we had plenty to catch up on and good laughs to have. I really am so grateful for such amazing friends! That night I found myself back in St. George. My family had come down for a convention in Vegas with my dad’s work. We met up and celebrated my birthday. We were originally going to celebrate it in Vegas, but meeting in St. George and sleeping at the grandparents seemed like a little bit better idea.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
a NEW NICKNAME day in the life of me ...
A few months ago one of my students figured out that if you put "retard" and "Boshard" together you end up with "Botard." That's quite convenient for them (actually I am quite impressed that he blended those two words together with so little effort). Well to "mark his territory" he re-wrote my name tag that sits in an holder outside of my classroom door. The principal has since taken it down, because BoTard doesn't look very nice. The one thing that I will say, is that even though I know this is their nickname for me, none of them call it to me to my face!
On Thursday of this past week, there I was, sitting with 6 students are they were writing their drafts for their fairy tales. He and another student were talking as they wrote. (at least they were working!) He was recounting an event that happened last year and was desperately trying to get her to remember. I was nodding in agreement with how he was recounting the tale, because I DEFINITELY remembered the scenario that he was talking about. I think he saw me nodding out of the corner of his eye, because all of the sudden, he stopped talking to her, turned to me and said (with GREAT enthusiasm) "remember Botard?" whoosh - his face goes BRIGHT red. The girl that he was just talking to socked him in the arm as he mumbled, "I didn't mean to say that to your face. I promise I didn't mean to say that to your face." Oh it was hysterical, but of course I couldn't laugh at it - right then. The things kids say. It never ceases to amaze me.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
a(n) AMAZING BOOK day in the life of me...

Monday, February 28, 2011
a MILESTONE day in the life of me....
Sunday, February 27, 2011
a WOW day in the life of me...
On my way home from church, I was suddenly overcome with how grateful I am for the sun and for my amazing black wool coat. When you put those two things together, it's a piece of heaven for the one inside :-)
I have some fun plans coming up in the next two months. I'm going to be upping my running to 5 and 6 miles. I mapped out some new running routes and am going to start on them this week - well if the weather will let me. Who honestly knows. Some of the people that I've been talking to recently told me that "they" are expecting snow into May - what?! Come on now. I believe that I can stand the snow until March, but after that I'll be okay if it goes away until next November.
I also have definite plans for my spring break. I get to spend 4 days with my friend Cecile and her new baby! I can hardly wait to see him. He was born in January, so will be 3 1/2 months old by the time I get down there. Even though that's not entirely "new born" it will be small enough for me to probably not want to leave him at the end of those four days. I will then spend the rest of my spring break in Seattle with my friend Ken. I've never been to Seattle and am pretty excited to go out there! I've been looking up some "things to do" in Seattle and pretty much my list is too long for the 3 days that I will be there. Oh well. That's why people keep taking vacations - you can never see everything you want to see the first time around - right?!
I was recently nominated for teacher of the year at PHS. I was one of 9 nominees. A vote was taken and I am now one of the top 4. Honestly, I am shocked (and thrilled)! The other three "finalists" are men who have all been teaching for 20 years or so. I am a woman (obviously) and have only been teaching 1 1/2 years. I'll keep you all posted on how that pans out.
**the boyfriend from the last post is no longer a boyfriend
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
a GRATEFUL day in the life of me...
Wow! It's been a long time since I've been on. My life has been super busy but wonderful. I have so many blessings pouring in right now I feel very overwhelmed. Here are some of the great things that I have going on in my life right now!
1) I've made it through 1 1/2 years teaching and am still sane (according to me!)
2) The weather in Utah is stunning and I'm able to run outside!
3) I'm training for a 1/2 marathon and it's the best exercise regimen I've ever put myself through - I'm grateful that my body is holding up so well and letting me do this.
4) I just accepted a job with BYU for the summer - teacher mentor in the special education practicum during summer term!
5) I have wonderful friends who keep my thought process in check! love ya
6) An amazing family who listens and loves and lets me learn
7) I'm dating an amazing guy who is so thoughtful and kind. I seriously don't know where he came from, but I am so grateful that he chose me to spend time with!
(He bought me a calligraphy set for v-day, because I am going to be taking a class. He got one that requires the user to dip it in ink and has screw in tips. They all came for right handed users only, so he then bought me left handed tips - honestly how sweet is that?!)
8) I know that God loves me and it's daily manifest for me. I'm kind of thick in the head sometimes, so I'm grateful it comes daily ... just to remind me!
9) I received the "best practice" award at PHS last week. They announced it during a student assembly. Instead of getting BOO'd, my students stood up and cheered for me and then talked about it and congratulated me later that day and the next. (It's nice to know I'm doing something for someone, because as teacher it's sometimes hard to remember or know that)
10) I'm smiling!