Yes, this post is happening much earlier in my day, because I am going to spend the rest of the day pondering about it....
During my morning study I happened upon this great article in the June 2010 Ensign (publication for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) on page 29, entitled "Don't be in a Hurry." Wow! So fitting for me, so I began to read. One of the section titles is "Don't be in a hurry to do it all yourself." Definitely intrigued me and I continued to read. It was about prayer.
" 'When you get up in the morning, before you suffer yourselves to eat one mouthful of food, ... bow down before the Lord, ask Him to forgive your sins, and protect you through the day, to preserve you from temptation and all evil, to guide your steps aright, that you may do something that day that shall be beneficial to the kingdom of God on the earth.' That counsel will bless our lives as it reminds us each morning to kneel in prayer before we tackle the tasks ahead."
So I decided to go ahead and count 100 blessings that I have been given from my Heavenly Father. Funny thing; it didn't even take that long! :-) As I pondered over this list, I realized, yet again, how blessed and what a choice life I have as I am here on earth.
air, healthy heart, functioning lungs, sound mind, ability to reason, immediate family(Mom, Dad, Jenny, Jared, Christopher, Peggy, Aimee), food, warm and comfortable bed, money, safe apartment, a home that is welcoming, ability to love, knowledge of the gospel, knowing Christ loves me, knowing God loves me, prayer, fasting, friends (too many to name), strong physical body, knowing I'm a daughter of God, being a woman, being able to bear children, being able to read, born in America, born under the covenant, born to parents who love and respect each other, being the oldest of 6, learning something new everyday, college graduate, teaching special education, my calling, my trials, passion for life, being able to trust, being able to find joy, my laugh, good listener, excellent talker, able to handle my own finances, being able to travel, aunts(Jill, Monica, Janet, Sandy, Gina), uncles(Vic, Lyn, Ben, Reed, Cary), cousins(Maegan, Mindy, Mathew, Michael, Spencer, Nathan, Maddy, Abianne, Angella, Cuyler, Stephanie, Rachel, Jacob, Esther, Annie, Sam, Josh, Alison, Taylor, Natalie, Courtney, Braden, Jessica, Kelly, Jaci - all all their children and spouses), grandparents, all my extended family (ya know 2nd cousins, etc), finding fulfillment in many things, wanting to know about the world, desire to be healthy, desire to do what's right, desire to serve a mission with my husband, sing, dance, priesthood, pure water to drink, ability to apply what I've learned, long eye lashes (they were prayed over), temple covenants, Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, Doctrine and Covenants, Old and New Testaments, knowledge of cooking, knowledge of Hope, having faith, hymns, situations that try my patience, scrapbooks, journals, personal library, work ethic, computer, running shoes, family likes to go on adventures, born in the 1980's (opportunities), learning from Apostles, reading and studying the Ensign, ability to memorize quickly, sun, the 4 seasons, growing up around so many good people, Uncle Ray Johnson and family, being moved by the arts, self esteem, love of reading, being born on tax day (can't forget that one), healthy role models for all aspects of life, being able to stand up for myself and others, sunsets, rainbows, dreams, clothing, the rain, snow (so I can ski), discernment, desire to be a wife, story teller, testimony, technology, ability to be loved, no debt
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