Hi folks, I know I already posted today, but I didn't yesterday and something very important happened and I really need to post about it.
12 years ago, YESTERDAY, my sister and I were in a serious car accident. (It nearly took a life) Thankfully, we are both whole, healthy and loving our lives.
I am so grateful for the knowledge of the Plan of Happiness and how much I know my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love me and how mindful they are of my needs, wants and desires. I know that prayers are answered and want to thank all those who have offered prayers on behalf of me and my sister over the past 12 years.
I'm grateful for life, health, fun, adventures, family, the ability to use my body and all the gifts that God has given me. Never take a day for granted. You really don't know when it could be your last.
Of course, I started to cry when remembering that night and looking at you two today. What a miracle!