Monday, November 22, 2010

a HELL day in the life of me...

Okay, so I was NOT in the mood to go to school/work today. I had a rough night of sleep and was just not enjoying the getting ready process. My dear, sweet, roommate drove me to school (I sold my car - stay tuned for that one) and inquired as to whether I had a good old Dr. P to see me through the day ... no. :-) I did however have my first period. . .

I decided that because it's the week of Thanksgiving and they have just been such an outrageously good class, we could watch the Lightning Thief today (I'm reading that book with some of my classes and they are loving it!)

For those of you that have not seen it, they pay a visit to the underworld and have a little heart to heart with Hades. Persephone, Hades wife - for those of you that need to brush up on their Greek mythology, is asked to bring the 3 little "heroes" before Hades and to hurry up about it or else .... She inquires, "Or else what?! I'm already in Hell."

Well that sparked a ripple of laughter from my students quickly followed by one of my students saying, "I live in Hell."
ME: Well I don't.
Student: You will someday.


Not even 30 seconds later - yes conversations about Hell have been happening this whole time. . .

Student 1: I never want to go to Hell.
Student 2: I thought we all went there every week day between 7:30 and 2:15.


This is why I teach! We talk about going to Hell and laugh about it.

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