Thursday, September 16, 2010

a VALLEY GIRL day in the life of me...

Okay, so contrary to what the title says, it was not me being a Valley Girl. I know, I know, it just fits so well :-)
Right now, I'm actually at school and what I'm about to write happened about 30 minutes ago. It's so funny that if I don't cement it in the blogging world right now I might forget it.
So there I was, explaining to my class what the word devoted means and how we can use it in sentences. I was using a student as an example. She is completely devoted to doing her hair each and every morning. I said the following (names have been changed), "Based on this we know that Sally is totally devoted to doing her hair."
A student of mine that is a typical punk teenager, loves: bmx biking, boarding, talking about alcohol and drugs, pretending to be bad a**, etc. pipes up, "Yeah, like totally; she's totally devoted."
What?! Where the heck did he learn how to talk like a Valley Girl, much less deliver it with such finesse? Oh the things that never cease to amaze me as a teacher.


  1. seems to me that being a teacher is a lot like being a parent. it never amazes me what funny, witty and sometimes random and embarrasing things come out of my kdis (and others) mouths!!!! :)
