Friday, September 10, 2010

a FRIDAY day in the life of me...

Well folks. I've done it. I've been in school for 3 weeks now. It's hard to believe that my summer came and went and now I'm back in the swing of things and it feels as if I was never even gone from them - weird.
My students are darling, if not challenging. But hey, if it wasn't for that, my job would be too easy. It's so nice being a second year teacher. I feel so much better prepared for the situations that confront me and for the arguments that the students give. I feel like I heard it all last year, yet they still amaze me with what they can make up.
Already I've had some funny comments:
We sitting at a small table. I was working with 5 students. I had one student write something down super fast - I figured he probably didn't get it correct, so I turned to him and said "What's your answer." He gave it to me. I started to say "That's not correct." but he interrupted me and said "I wasn't done writing yet," as he continues to elaborate on his answer. We all started laughing so hard, himself included, and he almost fell off of his own chair. It definitely made me smile.

Besides school I've been having some fun too. My Steiner family went on a camp out up in the high Uinta's. It was so fun and beautiful. I forgot how much better everything tastes around a campfire.
I've had a BBQ at my cabin with my friend Wendee and her husband Gian. We roasted hot dogs and had an awesome salad, chips, drinks, etc. It was so relaxing to just sit and listen to the river, listen to each other, and just enjoy life for a minute.
My Steiner family went for a day at Yuba. Besides the water being 55 degrees and outside being 72 degrees, it was a fun day. I was on the wave runner with Aimee, just enjoying ourselves. We were chasing some waves, when all of the sudden, one decided that it wanted to fight back. We were engulfed with freezing water. It hurt. My teeth started aching, because I was so cold. We got hit with a second wave and that's when I decided that we needed to go back to shore. Burr - I didn't warm up until after I'd taken a hot shower that night.
I've moved into a new ward and am enjoying it. There are some very NICE and FUN people! It's going to be a great experience.
I finally get a paycheck again - that summer was long.....
I'm back in my dance class. We are focusing on skills and technique for a little while. I had it on Wednesday and was so sore after the class. My posture, balance and muscle strength is sadly lacking; however my arms in leaps and turns are great! hahaha. I love dance.

Well that's a brief catch up :-)

1 comment:

  1. is dance still on tuesdays?? i can't wait to come back, only a few more weeks!
