I have many darling students. I also have many darling students that I sometimes don't know what to do with. Here is an example:
A few months ago one of my students figured out that if you put "retard" and "Boshard" together you end up with "Botard." That's quite convenient for them (actually I am quite impressed that he blended those two words together with so little effort). Well to "mark his territory" he re-wrote my name tag that sits in an holder outside of my classroom door. The principal has since taken it down, because BoTard doesn't look very nice. The one thing that I will say, is that even though I know this is their nickname for me, none of them call it to me to my face!
On Thursday of this past week, there I was, sitting with 6 students are they were writing their drafts for their fairy tales. He and another student were talking as they wrote. (at least they were working!) He was recounting an event that happened last year and was desperately trying to get her to remember. I was nodding in agreement with how he was recounting the tale, because I DEFINITELY remembered the scenario that he was talking about. I think he saw me nodding out of the corner of his eye, because all of the sudden, he stopped talking to her, turned to me and said (with GREAT enthusiasm) "remember Botard?" whoosh - his face goes BRIGHT red. The girl that he was just talking to socked him in the arm as he mumbled, "I didn't mean to say that to your face. I promise I didn't mean to say that to your face." Oh it was hysterical, but of course I couldn't laugh at it - right then. The things kids say. It never ceases to amaze me.

Sunday, March 13, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
a(n) AMAZING BOOK day in the life of me...

Have you ever read this book?
I have.
I began my adventure of reading the unabridged version over Christmas break 2010 and finished on March 2, 2011. I wasn't able to read as often or as much as I would have liked, but I did it! This worthy quest was suggested to me by my friend Ken. Let's just say I'm really glad I took him up on his recommendation.
As I finished this piece of historical fiction tonight, I wept. My roommate told me that it has been a long while since she has seen me cry that hard. I couldn't help it. I would gain composure, to lose it again within the next 20 seconds. Almost two hours later, I have dry eyes. I love the power of the written word. I love what a book can do to you.
If you too have read this book, then you know the amazing brilliance of these words; if you haven't, here is a sneak peak to some of my most favorite quotes!
(It's worth reading all 1463 pages - promise)
page 519: to deny the will of the infinite, that is to say God, can be done only on condition of denying the infinite itself.
page 591: since 1789 all heroes of all nations have been made from the soul of its thinkers and poets.
page 826: this conflict between right and fact has endured since the origins of society. To bring the duel to an end, to consolidate the pure ideal with the human reality, to make the right peacefully interpenetrate the fact, and the fact the right, this is the work of the wise.
page 828: Now, logic ignores the Almost, just as the sun ignores the candle.
page 932: the reduction of the universe to a single being, the expansion of a single being into God, this is love.
page 1072: Scotland has her trios of witches, but Paris has her quartet of gossips
I have many more favorites, but why spoil the whole thing for you?! Especially as it nears the end. Those quotes have to be "earned." It is truly worth reading for yourself so that you can appreicate how beautiful this text is.
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